The What’s and Why's of a Modern-Day Ring Bag

When you think of 'ringside essentials', one of the first things that comes to mind is a ring bag. Whether it’s used by the rider, the groom, or both, a ring bag full of show necessities is one thing that nearly all competing riders have in common. Riding is a sport where anything can happen, especially when dealing with horses, so being prepared is crucial.
To find out what these essentials consist of, we reached out to some individuals in the industry to see "what's in their ring bag".

What used to be a ring tote or box with a few odds and sods to keep ringside at a competition has turned into a personalized backpack full of everything that you can possibly need or want to accommodate both horse and human at the in gate of the competition ring.
The goal is to be prepared for any and every situation with contents specifically tailored to the needs of the horse and rider from every angle. From additional tack to extra food, having necessities at a caretaker’s fingertips is a must.

So, let’s begin with the bag itself. We must say that although a regular old backpack will suffice for the most part, specialized ring bags with a lot of pockets and compartments are the hottest trend as they can hold everything from notebooks to helmets. In this example, the Delaire Backpack, it's the latest style from Veltri that offers style and convenience, versatility, and functionality. It's customizable so it can be branded with a name, number, motto, or brand.

Now it’s time to stuff the bag with every convenience that you can think of for both horse and rider at the competition ring:
-Ear plugs/stuffs (for the strong, silent type)
-Vet wrap (to fix an ouch)
-Cotton and duct tape (in case of shoe loss)
-Hole punch (for when you need to tighten it up)
-Extra tack (reins, nose band, curb chain, draw reins, perhaps an alternative bit if requested)
-Spur straps
-Extra bonnet
-Fly spray
-Show sheen
-Extra number strings/safety pins (for saddle pad)
-Stick'em (to feel secure with oneself)
-Extra gloves (cause they just seem to walk away, on the regular)
-Sunscreen (can’t leave home without it)
-Face wipes
-Hair elastics (you can never have enough)
-Hair nets (you know what we mean ladies)
-Baseball hat / Sun visor
-Multitool (Leatherman or Swiss army knife)
-Mints/Teats/Carrots (whatever the horse fancies)
-Boot shine (you can never have enough shine)
-horse brushes (to knock the dust off)
-Tail brush (for the obvious)
-Hoof pick
-Hoof oil (for the shine)
-Towel/rag (to buff and shine)
-Band aids, first aid spray
-Chapstick/lip sunscreen/lip moisturizer
-Water bottle(s)(for the win)
And finally, if you have enough extra hands, don’t forget coolers, scrims, rain sheets and of course any apparel that you may need too.
So, there it is, in a nutshell, what you could need to prepare your horse and rider both before and after they compete while at the ring.
If you need some help getting started with your own ring bag, just reach out and we'll get you going. They make great gifts, for many occasions, and especially when they’re pre-stuffed with some special loot!
Stay tuned for more exciting things coming your way from Ride Every Stride Inc. and until then, tell us...What’s in your ring bag?
PC: veltrisport